I wanted to do a challenge but didn’t want a commitment of a 12 week challenge. It was only one month and before the challenge my life was falling apart. I knew it would be a perfect opportunity to work on creating balance with the support of other jessiesgirls.
I started this challenge setting specific goals for myself and I nailed every single one of them and more. Balance was the most important thing for me because my life was falling apart. I nailed my macros and water goals, created balance and even learned to be more intentional with my workouts. I was able to be more involved during the challenge by finding ways to make it fit in my life. I learned not to stress about the small things in life if plans have to change and embrace new ways to make it all work. I found out 4 day lifting splits gave me so much balance in my life and by scaling back my training days I’ve gained SO MUCH BALANCE!!!!! I’ve gained so much from this challenge because I put in a lot of effort into my journey. This challenge really was a life changing experience for me and the impact it had on my life has been truly ground breaking.
Daily emails/videos and the zoom calls
The more you get involved the more you will take away from this challenge. Be vulnerable because real change comes where we face those difficult moments. Most importantly enjoy the challenge journey because it goes by way to fast.