Jessie’s Blog Archives - Jessie Fitness

How to Build Muscle: Progressive Overload Explained

2024-01-14T18:10:47-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

If you are wanting to learn about how to build muscle, you need to understand the concept of progressive overload. While it may sound like a scary thing – this is an essential concept for muscular growth. Progressive overload, or often called muscle overload, is when you create additional stress to your body in a [...]

10 Tips for Quicker & Easier Food Prep

2019-12-07T21:07:41-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Nutrition|

I follow a flexible diet. This means, I count my macronutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) and eat the foods I love as long as they “fit my macros.” I also count micronutrients, which are vitamins and minerals essential to your health that help you digest and maintain a healthy diet, amongst other things. I also include [...]

5 Ways to Not Overdo It During the Holidays

2019-11-14T23:37:51-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Nutrition|

Holiday season is here again! Mom’s turkey, Grandma’s pie, Auntie’s casserole, brother’s beer contribution ???? … It all needs to be consumed! How do we enjoy all the holiday treats and tradition without overdoing it, and getting off track? Let’s chat about the tips I live by that have helped me stay true to my personal [...]