Jessie’s Blog Archives - Page 10 Of 10 - Jessie Fitness

How to Target Glutes with Romanian Deadlifts

2015-12-07T20:48:53-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

All deadlifts target the same primary muscle groups—the glutes, hamstrings and lower back. But, most of us only use hamstrings and lower back…missing a huge opportunity to build our glutes. The best way to learn how to activate your glutes during deadlifts is to start by mastering the Romanian Deadlift. Once you nail this, you can [...]

Lifting for Your Body Type

2015-12-07T20:45:00-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

Seventy-five years ago, a psychologist named William Sheldon developed a visual method of categorizing the human physique based on fundamental elements called somatotypes. Even though much of his theories are subjective, we still use this “body type” categorization today. Personally, I think it is interesting to read about but doesn’t necessarily 100% apply to making gains [...]

Guts, Focus and Compassion

2015-12-07T19:57:18-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation|

Today’s post will cover three topics that have really resonated with me along my fitness journey. Whether you’re starting with losing weight or building muscle (or both), we all need to embrace our imperfections and know that it will be an extremely tough road requiring guts, focus and compassion—in that order. It Takes Guts The first step does…and [...]

All About Abs!

2015-12-07T15:07:41-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

You’ve heard abdominals called everything— core, abs and six-pack to name a few. But how do you actually get a six-pack? Are they really ONLY made in the kitchen? Can you train abs every day? There are a lot of myths about abdominal training that can be very confusing— but here I’ll break it down for [...]