Jessie’s Blog Archives - Page 3 Of 10 - Jessie Fitness

How to choose the right Jessie’s Girls Training Program for you

2019-06-02T14:50:28-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  Living the Jessie’s Girls lifestyle So you’ve made the decision to become a Jessie’s Girl, but now you’re not completely sure which Jessie’s Girls Training Program you should try first – or maybe you just finished your program and now you’re not sure what you should do next. I get asked so many questions about [...]

How to Progress in Your Weight Training Like a Pro

2019-06-02T14:24:06-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  You did it! You finished one of the Jessie’s Girls programs from start to finish. I’m so proud of you! A lot of women ask me, “Jessie - what do I do next? How do I continue to progress in my training AFTER a Jessie’s Girls Program?” Let’s talk about that: progression. Here are some [...]

How To Eat Carbs + Grow Your Glutes and Stay Lean

2019-04-24T18:27:51-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Nutrition|

You have killer leg/glute workouts week in and week out, but you're just not seeing those booty gains that you've been working SO hard for. You have that summer vacation or wedding coming up and you want to build lean muscle without packing on the unwanted fat. All of the talk about how carbohydrates are bad [...]