Jessie’s Blog Archives - Page 4 Of 10 - Jessie Fitness

Why You Shouldn’t Bounce Back After Pregnancy

2017-09-13T10:00:10-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Pregnancy, Training|

It’s completely okay to want to be the healthiest and fittest mama you can be, but women have been talking about "bouncing back after pregnancy" or losing their "baby weight" for decades. Is that the right way to go about postpartum fitness? Why is it the social norm for moms to try so hard to “get [...]

Interview with a Jessie’s Girl Ambassador: Heather Dahlenburg

2017-08-14T09:00:58-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation|

  What was it like doing the Jessie's Girls Prenatal Edition? The Jessie's Girls Prenatal Edition was amazing! While I didn't get sick during my pregnancy, I did feel exhausted early on, which is expected when you're growing a new human (aka the ultimate body-building). With the Prenatal Edition, I was able to get a full, [...]

5 Ways To De-Stress When You Don’t Have Time For Yoga or A Bath

2017-08-07T12:43:45-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation|

Stress. It’s something that we all experience at some point in our lives and something that we can’t always get away from. Sometimes, there is no way around it. It may be a short lived situation, but other times, it may be long-lasting and could become chronic. Chronic stress negatively impacts your physical and mental health [...]

Working Out and Happiness: Why Life is Better When You’re Lifting

2017-07-19T11:44:03-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation|

  It’s no secret that I love lifting weights, and I love lifting HEAVY. It makes me feel strong and empowered, but it also helps my body feel good and my mind feel healthy, and I want that for all of my Jessie's Girls. The fitness lifestyle can have positive benefits both physically and mentally that [...]

Alternatives to the Treadmill: How to Change Your HIIT Routine

2017-05-22T15:37:57-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  Time to do HIIT training, but running just isn’t your thing? Maybe running is hard on your joints and body, or maybe you just simply don’t enjoy running - No worries, I have you covered! There are so many alternatives to running that cardio doesn’t have to be confined to running on a treadmill. It [...]