Training Archives - Jessie Fitness

How to Build Muscle: Progressive Overload Explained

2024-01-14T18:10:47-08:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

If you are wanting to learn about how to build muscle, you need to understand the concept of progressive overload. While it may sound like a scary thing – this is an essential concept for muscular growth. Progressive overload, or often called muscle overload, is when you create additional stress to your body in a [...]

How to choose the right Jessie’s Girls Training Program for you

2019-06-02T14:50:28-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  Living the Jessie’s Girls lifestyle So you’ve made the decision to become a Jessie’s Girl, but now you’re not completely sure which Jessie’s Girls Training Program you should try first – or maybe you just finished your program and now you’re not sure what you should do next. I get asked so many questions about [...]

How to Progress in Your Weight Training Like a Pro

2019-06-02T14:24:06-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  You did it! You finished one of the Jessie’s Girls programs from start to finish. I’m so proud of you! A lot of women ask me, “Jessie - what do I do next? How do I continue to progress in my training AFTER a Jessie’s Girls Program?” Let’s talk about that: progression. Here are some [...]

Why You Shouldn’t Bounce Back After Pregnancy

2017-09-13T10:00:10-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Pregnancy, Training|

It’s completely okay to want to be the healthiest and fittest mama you can be, but women have been talking about "bouncing back after pregnancy" or losing their "baby weight" for decades. Is that the right way to go about postpartum fitness? Why is it the social norm for moms to try so hard to “get [...]

Alternatives to the Treadmill: How to Change Your HIIT Routine

2017-05-22T15:37:57-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Motivation, Training|

  Time to do HIIT training, but running just isn’t your thing? Maybe running is hard on your joints and body, or maybe you just simply don’t enjoy running - No worries, I have you covered! There are so many alternatives to running that cardio doesn’t have to be confined to running on a treadmill. It [...]

How Women Can Build Muscle: Muscle Adaptation Explained

2017-05-08T15:48:47-07:00Jessie’s Blog, Training|

  I am all about empowering women to get in the gym, lift heavy, and grow muscles like a badass. To grow bigger muscles, perform better, feel stronger, and live an overall healthier life, it requires focus and making fitness a priority. But even more than determination alone, creating an amazing physique requires training our bodies [...]