Shoulders & Abs - Jessie Fitness

Sunday - June 23rd

Arms & Abs

Arms & Abs

Warm Up: 5-10 minute cardio or 200 jump ropes 15 Wall Pushups (you can make these dynamic by pushing off and away from the wall each rep) 10 SA Shoulder Circles each direction (20 total p/side) Jessie’s tips for this week: I don’t know about you, but it feels like we just started this month, […]

Arms & Abs

Straight Sets

3 Sets x 18 Reps:

Gym & Home: DB Skull Crushers

Gym & Home: Bench Dips

Gym & Home: Concentration Curls

Gym & Home: DB Bicep Curl

Gym & Home: Half-kneeling Single Arm Curl *18 each arm

Gym & Home: Toes to Bar Leg Raises
